What’s Your Excuse for Not Succeeding? (Part 1)

Welcome back! Successful people have one thing in common: They take responsibility for their mistakes. And if you want to be successful, you’re going to have to learn how to do the same thing. Let me explain… Most people happily take credit for all the good things in their lives. For example, the person who Read more about What’s Your Excuse for Not Succeeding? (Part 1)[…]

What’s Your Excuse for Not Succeeding? (Part 2)

Welcome back! Last time you discovered that you need to take credit for your successes as well as full responsibility for your mistakes. That’s because doing so puts you in full control of your fate. Plus, when you take responsibility for your mistakes you’re able to learn from them so that next time you can Read more about What’s Your Excuse for Not Succeeding? (Part 2)[…]