How to Prevent Burn Out and Loss of Motivation

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Over the last few lessons you’ve learned how to recognize burn out and recover from it. However, the key is to make sure you don’t get burned out and lose your motivation at all. And that’s what you’ll learn how to do in this lesson. Read on…

Take Time Off

I’ve said it before but it’s worth repeating: Even if you view working on your goal as fun, you still need to take time off. Doing so allows you to relax and re-energize. While this prevents burn out, boosts productivity and keeps you motivated, it’s also a great way to stay creative.

Here’s what I mean by time off:

  • During the day you should take breaks to stretch and so on. For example, don’t work through your lunch hour and don’t work straight through the day until it’s time to go to bed. Instead, allow time for some fun every day.
  • Take a day off during the week. Most people work five or perhaps six days per week with one day off to do as they please. No matter what you’re working on, you should adopt the same healthy habit.
  • Take regular vacations. Finally, even if you’re taking every weekend off, you should take a longer vacation a couple times per year.

Get a Change of Scenery

I don’t know what your goal is, but a lot of people I talk to work on their goal from home. For example, people who want to write a book or start an online business spend most of their time working on the goal from home. Problem is, you get so conditioned to thinking about or working on your goal when you’re at home that it’s hard to tear yourself away and truly relax.

One way to combat this is by giving yourself a change of scenery. You can do this in two ways:

  • Work on your goal elsewhere. Naturally, whether you can do this depends on what your goal is. However, if it’s something like starting a business or writing a book, then go to a coffee shop or library and work from there. See if the change of scenery doesn’t boost your motivation and productivity!
  • Commit to leaving the house to do something enjoyable at least once or twice per week. In another lesson we talked about the value of connecting with nature. You can also go to a museum, go to a park, go see a movie, go shopping, visit with friends… and just about anything else you enjoy. The point is to get out of the house, enjoy yourself and forget about your goal for a while.

Take Up a New Hobby

Depending on what type of goal you’re working on, you may consider the goal your hobby. For example, aspiring authors enjoy writing just for fun. However, what I’d ask that you do is take up a new hobby that has nothing to do with your goal. And then be sure to spend several hours every week working on your hobby.

That’s it for this time. While we’ve focused primarily on motivation over all these lessons, now we’re going to switch gears and talk about productivity. So stay tuned, because you’re about to learn how to get more done in less time!

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